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Resgistrations include access to:
  • Scientific sessions
  • Sponsor area
  • Coffee-breaks
  • Work lunchs (2nd, 3rd and 4th Oct.)
  • Conference dinner (4th Oct.)
  • Certificate of attendance.


Resgistrations include access to:
  • Scientific sessions
  • Sponsor area
  • Coffee-breaks
  • Work lunchs (2nd, 3rd and 4th Oct.)
  • Conference dinner (4th Oct.)
  • Certificate of attendance.


Resgistrations include access to:
  • Scientific sessions
  • Sponsor area
  • Coffee-breaks
  • Certificate of attendance.

If your registration includes lunches we kindly ask you to confirm your presence in order to avoid waste and unnecessary costs to the Organization.

The conference dinner is limited in availability. 

Cancellation and Reimbursment Policy:
– Until 1 month prior to the event – reimbursment of 75% of the value paid;
– After this date, no refund is granted. We will only accept change of name of the registration;
– To any refund a handling fee of 10€ will be deducted.

Porto's AutoImmune Meeting