António Marinho
Pedro Vita
Carlos Pinho Vaz
Ivo Santos Barreiro
Carlos Filipe Gonçalves Lage Carneiro
David Isenberg
Álvaro Ferreira
Ana Campar
Helena Maria Barroso De Oliveira
João Farela Neves
Isabel Almeida
Laura Marques
Joana Vedes
Ana Luísa Lopes Serpa Pinto
Lèlita Santos
PhD, FACP (hon.), FEFIM
PhD in Internal Medicine from the Faculty of
Medicine of the University of Coimbra
Senior Graduate Hospital Physician in Internal
Medicine at ULS Coimbra
Competence in Geriatrics by the Medical
Competence in Clinical Nutrition by the Medical Association
Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Medicine of the
University of Coimbra.
Member of CIMAGO (Research Center for Environment, Genetics and Oncobiology)
at Faculty of Medicine Coimbra University.
Head of the Internal Medicine Department at ULS Coimbra since 2021.
Coordinator of the Microcirculation Laboratory of the Internal Medicine
Service at ULS Coimbra.
Coordinator until 2021 of the Outpatient Consultation on Nutritional
Diseases of the ULS Coimbra Internal Medicine Service and member of the
multidisciplinary Obesity Surgery team.
Coordinator until 2021 of the Outpatient Consultation on Systemic
Autoimmune Diseases of the ULS Coimbra Internal Medicine Service.
President of the ULS Coimbra Nutrition Committee.
Former President of the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine.
Fellow (hon.) of the American College of Physicians
Fellow of the European Federation of Internal Medicine
Luís Manuel Barreto Campos
Carlos Dias
Yehuda Shoenfeld
Manuel Guerreiro
Hematopoietic Transplant
Unit, Hematology Department, Portuguese Institute of Oncology, Porto, Portugal
Transplant and Cellular
Therapy Unit, Hematology Department, Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain
Manuel Guerreiro is a hematologist who recently
joined the Transplant team at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology in Porto,
where he helped establishing a haploidentical allogeneic transplant program.
Additionally, he currently oversees cellular therapy projects in Hematology at
Hospital La Fe in Valencia.
He obtained his medical degree from the Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa and completed his PhD at Charité University Berlin, specializing in Immunology. Subsequently, he pursued post-doctoral training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, focusing on adoptive cellular therapies. Following the conclusion of his Hematology training at Hospital Sao Joao in Porto, he transitioned to the Transplant Unit at Hospital La Fe in Valencia. There, he contributed to the development of clinical projects, including magnetic selection of viral-specific T cells, establishment of an allogeneic third-party T cell bank against EBV/CMV, creation of a third-party NK cell bank for relapse prevention/treatment, and more recently, coordinating a GMP-production of CAR-T cells targeting Acute Leukemias.
João Correia
Licenciatura em Medicina pelo Instituto de Ciências
Biomédicas Abel Salazar da Universidade do Porto, Portugal , a 28 de Julho de 1983.
A 26 de Janeiro de
1993 titulação como Especialista de Medicina Interna.
Desde 01-01-1995, é
Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna no Hospital Geral de Santo António,
Centro Hospitalar do Porto, tendo desde 2016 o grau de Assistente Graduado
Docente desde 1995, na
cadeira de Clínica Médica II (6º Ano Profissionalizante), atualmente como
Professor Associado Convidado de Medicina do Mestrado Integrado Em Medicina do
De Maio de 2000 até Maio
de 2009, faz parte do Conselho Diretivo do Colégio de Especialidade de Medicina
Interna, exercendo o cargo de Presidente nos últimos 3 anos.
Faz parte da Unidade
de Imunologia Clínica do HGSA, criada oficialmente em Maio de 2005, sendo
responsável pelo Coorte de Doença de Behçet.
Chefe de Equipa de
Urgência desde Outubro de 2005 até á saída do SU a 31/12/2020.
Diretor do Serviço de
Medicina Interna do Centro Hospitalar do Porto desde 6/2009 a 7/2023.
Secretário Geral do
17ºCongresso Nacional de Medicina Interna, Maio 2011.
Presidente do 23º
Congresso Nacional de Medicina Interna, Maio 2017.
Honorary Fellow
American College of Physicians , #03834251, Elected 4/2019.
Presidente da
Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna desde Junho de 2018 a Outubro de 2021.
Sócio Honorário da
Sociedade Portuguesa Medicina Interna, Outubro de 2021.
Diretor Pedagógico e
Científico e Diretor do Departamento de Ensino Pré-Graduado do Mestrado
Integrado de Medicina do ICBAS / ULSSA-Porto, Maio/23.
Ana Marçal
José António Pereira Delgado Alves
Bruno Alexandre Pacheco Grima
Graziela Carvalheiras
Graziela Carvalheiras, M.D.
Assistente Hospitalar Graduada Medicina Interna
Gestora Clinica da consulta de Doenças Autoimunes
Coordenadora do Coorte de Síndrome Antifosfolipídeo
Unidade de Imunologia Clinica, ULSSA- Hospital Santo António
Ivone Emilia Melo Valadão
Paulo Pinho Costa
Luis Graca
Maria Da Luz Loureiro
António Marinho
Carlos Vasconcelos
Rosário Caetano Pereira
Henrique Cyrne Carvalho
Marta Isabel Rodrigues Casal Moura
Laurent Arnaud
Pr Laurent ARNAUD, MD, PhD.
Laurent ARNAUD (MD, PhD) is full Professor of Rheumatology
at Strasbourg University & Academic Hospitals, France. His main clinical interests
focus on the care of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). He is leading
a research group focusing on innovative strategies for holistic SLE care using novel
diagnostic and therapeutic digital strategies. With his team at the French
National Reference Center for Rare Autoimmune Diseases of Strasbourg (CRMR
RESO), he has published more than 300 articles in the field of rare diseases
and is currently leading several international taskforces such as the
Treat-to-target (T2T) taskforce and the SLICC/ReCONNET/SLEuro recommendations
for rare manifestations in SLE. Professor Arnaud is the President of the
European Lupus Society (SLEuro) and Disease Coordinator for Lupus and Relapsing
polychondritis of the European Reference Network for rare diseases ReCONNET. He
is the curator of a X/twitter account (@Lupusreference) about lupus education,
followed by >17k people.
Teresa Mendonça
Marta Eugenia Alarcon Riquelme
Fátima Farinha
Ioannis Parodis
Ioannis Parodis studied medicine at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, and graduated in 2006. He has an interest in B cell biology and novel treatments for systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis. His research focuses on identifying biomarkers and calibrating predictive models for diagnostics, clinical and immune responses to therapies, and long-term prognosis in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and lupus nephritis (LN).
Currently, Ioannis Parodis holds a permanent position as a senior consultant rheumatologist at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, and educational leadership positions at the medical programme of Karolinska Institutet. Along with clinical work and teaching, Ioannis Parodis conducts clinical and translational research within the field of inflammation and autoimmunity at the Karolinska Institutet. Since 2021, Ioannis Parodis is also affiliated to the Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden.
Ioannis Parodis is leading a research team at the Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM) in Region Stockholm, and is currently the main supervisor of four doctoral students and co-supervisor of two. He serves as the global PI for ReBioLup (NCT04449991; and the PI for prospective studies at the Karolinska and Örebro University Hospitals, including SLE studies conducted within the frame of the European 3TR project. He has contributed to EULAR task forces for the development of recommendations for the management of SLE and LN, as well as recommendations for the non-pharmacological management of SLE and systemic sclerosis.Helena Margarida Silva
Carlo Perricone
MD, Associate Professor in Rheumatology, Department of Medicine and Surgery,
University of Perugia. Previously Senior Lecturer in Rheumatology, Department
of Medicine and Surgery, University of Perugia, Research fellow at Policlinico Umberto
I in Rome, "Sapienza" University of Rome. He has graduated in
Medicine and Surgery at the University of Rome Tor Vergata at the age of 23
with honors, specialist in Rheumatology with honors at the Sapienza University
of Rome, PhD in Hematological, Immunological and Rheumatological Sciences with
honors at Sapienza University of Rome, Master in Translational Medicine in
Rheumatology at the University of Trieste. He achieved the national scientific
qualification for access to the role of Associate Professor (DD n.161 / 2013) on
January 29th, 2015 (age 31).
His scientific activity has focused on the study of autoimmune diseases
with regard to rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. His studies investigated the interactions
between genetics and autoimmune diseases and the use of ultrasound imaging in
rheumatic diseases. Since 2010 he has been lecturer of musculoskeletal
ultrasound for the European League Against Rheumatism and for the Italian
Society of Rheumatology. Founder and member of the SIRYoung.
He published as author or co-author over 268 peer-reviewed papers (h-index=49)
in prestigeous national and international journals, including Nature Genetics, Annals
of the Rheumatic Diseases, Arthritis & Rheumatology and Journal of
Autoimmunity. He edited books such as the “Mosaic of Autoimmunity” and, among
several prizes, he won the MAI - Mosaic of Autoimmunity Award 2016.
He is referee for over 150 peer-reviewed journals including New England
Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Nature Communications, Annals of the Rheumatic
Diseases, Arthritis & Rheumatology and Rheumatology (Oxford), Cells. He is
in the editorial board of several journals such as Autoimmunity Reviews. He has
participated in randomized, double-blind, phase II and III controlled,
multicenter clinical trials. He has been speaker, chairman and organizer in
national and international courses, seminars and conferences, winner of
international and national grants.
Inês Sofia Moutinho Alves
Ana Rita Marques Soares
Ana Rita Soares is currently a Medical Genetics
Specialist physician at the Unidade Local de Santo Antonio (ULSSA) since 2020.
She conducted her residency at the ULSSA and at the Northern Genetics Service,
NHS (Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK). She is currently the head of Immunogenetics, as
well as the head of Reproductive and Endocrinological Genetics in her medical
unit. She is also part of the Fetal Medicine team. In her clinical practice,
she is currently supervising two Medical Genetics Residents, and has supervised
internships from Medical Doctors of other speciality areas. She is currently
undertaking her Ph.D. studies at ICBAS - University of Porto in the field
Medical Genetics and Bioethics, where she is studying low penetrance
copy-number variants. Her active demeanor in both clinical and research
settings has led to the publication of over 20 peer-reviewed manuscripts in the
field of Medical Genetics, several of which first or senior-authored, and to
several presentations in national and international meetings, with several
awards for her work. She is also an Assistant Lecturer in Genetics and
Immunology at the Nursing School of the University of Porto. Lastly, since 2024
she is the responsible of the Genetyca-ICM by Atrys laboratory clinical
department, where she actively performs diagnostic and research activities on
Medical Genetics.
Manuel Nuno Vital Mendes Riso
Nuno Riso, Chefe de Serviço de Medicina Interna
Desenvolveu a sua principal atividade profissional durante 40 anos nos Hospitais Civis de Lisboa atualmente designados como Unidade Local de Saúde S. José, maioritariamente no Hospital de Curry Cabral passando por todos os graus da carreira hospitalar, tendo ultimamente exercido o cargo de Diretor do Serviço7.2. de Medicina Interna. Aposentado da função pública em agosto de 2015.
Exerce clínica em consultório privado em Lisboa desde 1986.
Membro fundador do Núcleo de Estudos de Doenças Auto-Imunes da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna, tendo sido seu responsável durante 10 anos e responsável da Unidade de Doenças Auto-Imunes do Hospital de Curry Cabral.
Foi Diretor do Internato Médico dos Hospitais Civis de Lisboa e do Hospital de Curry Cabral, e Presidente da Comissão Regional do Internato Médico da Zona Sul.
Foi ainda Prof. Auxiliar Convidado da Nova Medical School- Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Realizou o Curso de Formação em Codificação Clínica da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública
Realizou uma Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Unidades de Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
Realizou o Curso de Medicina do Trabalho da Escola Nacional de Saúde Publica.
Carlos Alberto Monteiro Silva Ferreira
Ex. Senior Graduate Hospital Physician in Internal
Medicine at Hospital de Santa Maria Lisbon
PhD in ( Lupus Erythematosus) made on the Faculty of
Medicine of the University of Lisbon in collaboration with the Immunology
Unit of the Pasteur de Paris Institute, with the advisor to Professor Antonio
Assistant Professor Guest of Lisbon School of Medicine
Ex. responsible for the autoimmune disorder
outpatients (MedicineII) at Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon.
Ex. researcher of the Clinical Immunology Unit, the
Institute of Molecular Medicine of the Lisbon School of Medicine.
Ex. cooperator with the Gulbenkian Institute of
Science in the field of autoimmunity.
Founding member of the Core of Autoimmune Disease
Studies of the Portuguese Internal Medicine Society.
Founding member of the Portuguese Association of Lupus
Former vice-President of the Portuguese Society of
Internal Medicine. | | |
Savino Sciascia
Professor Savino Sciascia is a Consultant at the Multidisciplinary Centre for Immunopathology and Rare Diseases, University di Torino, Italy.
His major research interests include the management of patients with autoimmune conditions, with a specific focus on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome. He received his MD cum laude from the University of Turin Medical School. He earned his PhD in Complex Systems for Life Sciences investigating mathematic models for risk assessment in patients with autoimmune diseases in collaboration with the Lupus Unit, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, King’s College, London, UK.
Salomé Pinho
Salomé Pinho
developed her PhD research at the Institute of Molecular Pathology and
Immunology of Univ. Porto (IPATIMUP) and at Boston Medical School, MA, USA from
2006 to 2009. She performed her postdoctoral work at University of Porto in the
glycobiology and glyco-immunology fields. Presently, she is a Principal
Investigator and Group leader at i3S-Institute for Research and Innovation in
Health at University of Porto, Portugal and affiliated Professor at Faculty of
Medicine at University of Porto. Her research activity is focused on
understanding the role of posttranslational modifications by glycosylation in
the regulation of key protein function involved in chronic inflammation,
autoimmunity and cancer, envisioning potential clinical applications. The goal
of her research group is to disentangle the spatiotemporal regulation of glycans
in health and disease and to decipher its biological information to better
understand its impact in defining the magnitude, the nature and the fate of the
immune responses associated with inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer
envisioning novel prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic strategies. She is
author of several publications in international peer-reviewed journals
including Nature Reviews Cancer, Gastroenterology, Science Translational Medicine
among many others. She supervises a research team composed by Post-Docs, PhD
students, Master students and young researchers. She is the Principal
Investigator of several national/international projects, also coordinating EU
and US-funded consortiums in the field of glycobiology and inflammation. She
received the Young Investigator Award from the European Association for Cancer Research
(2012), The Pfizer award in Clinical research (2021) and the Glycobiology
Significant Achievement Award (2020) by the American Society of Glycobiology,
among other prizes and distinctions
Francisco Javier Martín Ibáñez
Jorge Crespo
Sérgio Chacim
Mari Angela Lopes
Daniel Guimarães De Oliveira
Júlia Vasconcelos
Susana Pires Oliveira Santos Vieira
Susana Lopes Da Silva
Leandro José Martins Valente
Paula Fidalgo
Rute Isabel Fernandes Alves
Tomás Fonseca
Lurdes Natália Mendes De Oliveira
Assistente Hospitalar Graduada em Medicina Interna.
Coordenadora da Unidade de Doenças Autoimunes da ULS Tâmega e Sousa (Penafiel).
Antonio Alexandre Morais Fernandes
Marta Isabel Rodrigues Casal Moura
Pier Luigi Meroni
Dr. Pier Luigi Meroni
Pedro Rúben Lopes Carneiro
Matteo Piga
Piga, MD, is an associate professor of Rheumatology at the University of
Cagliari (Italy).
completed his rheumatology qualification in 2007 at the University of Cagliari.
From 2007 to 2008, he worked at the Louise Coote Lupus Unit at St. Thomas’s
Hospital in London, UK, as an Honorary Research Fellow. Professor Piga is
mainly interested in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in both clinical and
scientific aspects. He is dedicated to caring for and treating patients in the
longitudinal Lupus Clinic in Cagliari. His current research focuses on
immunogenetics, epidemiology, developing biomarkers and tools for assessing SLE
disease activity and organ damage, and implementing digital health for
diagnosing and monitoring the disease.
Carlos Vasconcelos
Ana Carolina Vaz Pinto
Marta Matos
Teresa Isabel Ramos Sequeira
Marina Coelho
Cátia Iracema Morais
Cátia Iracema Morais completed her residency at Porto's Oncology Institute in 2019, during which she pursued complementary studies in flow cytometry at ULSSA's Hematology Department, at the Cytometry Department of the University of Salamanca and at the Cytometry Lab of Germano de Sousa's Laboratory Medicine Center.
Since 2019, she is a Clinical Pathology Specialist at the Immunology Department of ULS Santo António (ULSSA), where she is co-head of the Cellular Immunology Lab and responsible for digital management and development. In this role, she has mentored 13 medical residents during their internships at the Immunology Department. She is also involved in multidisciplinary consultations in the fields of Inborn Errors of Immunity and Autoimmune Diseases.
She has experience as a Lecturer in Immunopathology at Instituto de
Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, teaching second year medical students. She
has 5 publications on peer-reviewed journals, and since 2023, she has been
invited as an editorial reviewer for Springer Nature's Scientific Reports and
Clinical and Experimental Medicine journals.
Esmeralda Neves
Christine Joannie Canizes Paiva
Lúcia Raquel Moreira Faria
Ariana Silva
Susana Viana
Beatriz Cortez Ferreira
António Lamas
09:30 - 18:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Course: Master on Common Variable Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ChairAntónio Marinho
ChairAntonio Alexandre Morais Fernandes
ChairAna Rita Marques Soares
ChairCátia Iracema Morais
ChairEsmeralda Neves
ChairJúlia Vasconcelos
ChairLaura Marques
ChairTeresa Isabel Ramos Sequeira
ChairCarlos Vasconcelos
09:30 - 10:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Laboratory Diagnosis of Specific Antibody Production Deficiency
SpeakerCátia Iracema Morais
10:00 - 10:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Clinical Case 1
10:30 - 11:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Infectious Manifestations
SpeakerLaura Marques
11:00 - 11:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Clinical Case 2
11:30 - 12:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
12:00 - 12:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Autoimmune Manifestations
SpeakerAntónio Marinho
12:30 - 13:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Clinical Case 3
13:00 - 14:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
14:30 - 15:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Allergic and Oncological Manifestations
SpeakerTeresa Isabel Ramos Sequeira
15:00 - 15:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Clinical Case 4
15:30 - 16:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Molecular Diagnosis
SpeakerAna Rita Marques Soares
16:30 - 17:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
17:00 - 18:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Best Practices in the Use of Immunoglobulins
SpeakerAntónio Marinho
SpeakerAntonio Alexandre Morais Fernandes
09:30 - 18:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Course: Master on Common Variable Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ChairAntónio Marinho
ChairAntonio Alexandre Morais Fernandes
ChairAna Rita Marques Soares
ChairCátia Iracema Morais
ChairEsmeralda Neves
ChairJúlia Vasconcelos
ChairLaura Marques
ChairTeresa Isabel Ramos Sequeira
ChairCarlos Vasconcelos
09:30 - 10:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Laboratory Diagnosis of Specific Antibody Production Deficiency
SpeakerCátia Iracema Morais
10:00 - 10:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Clinical Case 1
10:30 - 11:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Infectious Manifestations
SpeakerLaura Marques
11:00 - 11:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Clinical Case 2
11:30 - 12:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
12:00 - 12:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Autoimmune Manifestations
SpeakerAntónio Marinho
12:30 - 13:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Clinical Case 3
13:00 - 14:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
14:30 - 15:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Allergic and Oncological Manifestations
SpeakerTeresa Isabel Ramos Sequeira
15:00 - 15:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Clinical Case 4
15:30 - 16:30 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Molecular Diagnosis
SpeakerAna Rita Marques Soares
16:30 - 17:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
17:00 - 18:00 - Fundação Engª António Almeida
Best Practices in the Use of Immunoglobulins
SpeakerAntónio Marinho
SpeakerAntonio Alexandre Morais Fernandes
08:00 - 09:00
Posters discussion
Autoimmune Diseases (6); Systemic Erythematosus Lupus (1)
ChairTeresa Mendonça
ChairFátima Farinha
PosterMarta Isabel Rodrigues Casal Moura
EP-01 - (95) - ILD IN ANCA-ASSOCIATED VASCULITISPosterHelena Margarida Silva
EP-02 - (100) - KIDNEY IN LUPUS: FLARE OR HARM?PosterPedro Rúben Lopes Carneiro
09:00 - 11:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in SLE
SpeakerLaurent Arnaud
SpeakerIoannis Parodis
SpeakerMatteo Piga
SpeakerCarlos Vasconcelos
SpeakerAntónio Marinho
SpeakerLúcia Raquel Moreira Faria
SpeakerAntónio Lamas
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Opening Session
SpeakerHenrique Cyrne Carvalho
SpeakerRosário Caetano Pereira
SpeakerMaria Da Luz Loureiro
ChairCarlos Vasconcelos
ChairAntónio Marinho
12:00 - 12:45 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine for clinical decisions – Where are we?
SpeakerMarta Eugenia Alarcon Riquelme
ChairPaulo Pinho Costa
ChairAna Rita Marques Soares
12:45 - 13:45
13:45 - 14:45 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in Sjogren Syndrome
SpeakerLuis Graca
SpeakerCarlo Perricone
ChairIvone Emilia Melo Valadão
ChairManuel Nuno Vital Mendes Riso
14:45 - 15:45 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in Antiphospholipid Syndrome
SpeakerSavino Sciascia
SpeakerPier Luigi Meroni
ChairGraziela Carvalheiras
ChairCarlos Alberto Monteiro Silva Ferreira
15:45 - 16:15
16:15 - 17:15 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine and the Immunology laboratory
SpeakerAna Campar
SpeakerInês Sofia Moutinho Alves
ChairBruno Alexandre Pacheco Grima
ChairSalomé Pinho
17:15 - 18:15 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in Systemic Sclerosis
SpeakerJosé António Pereira Delgado Alves
SpeakerFrancisco Javier Martín Ibáñez
ChairIsabel Almeida
ChairSusana Pires Oliveira Santos Vieira
18:15 - 18:30 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
What have we learned today?
ChairAna Marçal
09:00 - 11:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in SLE
SpeakerLaurent Arnaud
SpeakerIoannis Parodis
SpeakerMatteo Piga
SpeakerCarlos Vasconcelos
SpeakerAntónio Marinho
SpeakerLúcia Raquel Moreira Faria
SpeakerAntónio Lamas
11:30 - 12:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Opening Session
SpeakerHenrique Cyrne Carvalho
SpeakerRosário Caetano Pereira
SpeakerMaria Da Luz Loureiro
ChairCarlos Vasconcelos
ChairAntónio Marinho
12:00 - 12:45 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine for clinical decisions – Where are we?
SpeakerMarta Eugenia Alarcon Riquelme
ChairPaulo Pinho Costa
ChairAna Rita Marques Soares
13:45 - 14:45 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in Sjogren Syndrome
SpeakerLuis Graca
SpeakerCarlo Perricone
ChairIvone Emilia Melo Valadão
ChairManuel Nuno Vital Mendes Riso
14:45 - 15:45 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in Antiphospholipid Syndrome
SpeakerSavino Sciascia
SpeakerPier Luigi Meroni
ChairGraziela Carvalheiras
ChairCarlos Alberto Monteiro Silva Ferreira
16:15 - 17:15 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine and the Immunology laboratory
SpeakerAna Campar
SpeakerInês Sofia Moutinho Alves
ChairBruno Alexandre Pacheco Grima
ChairSalomé Pinho
17:15 - 18:15 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in Systemic Sclerosis
SpeakerJosé António Pereira Delgado Alves
SpeakerFrancisco Javier Martín Ibáñez
ChairIsabel Almeida
ChairSusana Pires Oliveira Santos Vieira
18:15 - 18:30 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
What have we learned today?
ChairAna Marçal
08:00 - 09:00
Posters discussion
Autoimmune Diseases (2); Autoinflammatory Diseases (1); Others (1); Myositis (1)
ChairJoana Vedes
ChairDaniel Guimarães De Oliveira
PosterHelena Maria Barroso De Oliveira
EP-11 - (104) - DERMATOMYOSITIS IN AN ELDERLYPosterChristine Joannie Canizes Paiva
09:00 - 11:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in primary Immunodeficiencies
ChairLaura Marques
ChairJúlia Vasconcelos
SessionJoão Farela Neves
Genetics made simpleSessionSusana Lopes Da Silva
Inflammatory clinical Phenotypes in adultsSessionAntónio Marinho
Imunossupressive TherapySessionTeresa Isabel Ramos Sequeira
Immunoglobulins Therapy -
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Industry Sponsored Symposium
Symposium: From Fatigue to Action: Early Detection of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Connective Tissue Disease
Speaker: Inês Furtado (Porto) -
12:00 - 12:45 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
How to restore self-tolerance in autoimmune diseases
SpeakerYehuda Shoenfeld
ChairCarlos Dias
12:45 - 13:45
14:00 - 16:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in Behçet and Large Vessel Vasculitis
ChairJoão Correia
ChairJorge Crespo
SessionAna Luísa Lopes Serpa Pinto
Behçet Vascular - What is it like and how is it treated?SessionMari Angela Lopes
What does UIC department cohort tell us?SessionMarta Isabel Rodrigues Casal Moura
What’s new in Large Vessel Vasculitis?SessionMarta Matos
Review of UIC departement Large Vessel Vasculitis cohort -
16:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
The importance of environmental factores in autoimmune diseases
SpeakerLuís Manuel Barreto Campos
ChairLèlita Santos
17:00 - 18:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Reset of the Immune System
ChairCarlos Pinho Vaz
ChairLurdes Natália Mendes De Oliveira
SessionManuel Guerreiro
Hematopoietic transplantSessionSérgio Chacim
Car-T cells -
18:00 - 18:15 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
What have we learned today?
ChairIvo Santos Barreiro
09:00 - 11:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in primary Immunodeficiencies
ChairLaura Marques
ChairJúlia Vasconcelos
SessionJoão Farela Neves
Genetics made simpleSessionSusana Lopes Da Silva
Inflammatory clinical Phenotypes in adultsSessionAntónio Marinho
Imunossupressive TherapySessionTeresa Isabel Ramos Sequeira
Immunoglobulins Therapy -
11:30 - 12:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Industry Sponsored Symposium
Symposium: From Fatigue to Action: Early Detection of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Connective Tissue Disease
Speaker: Inês Furtado (Porto) -
12:00 - 12:45 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
How to restore self-tolerance in autoimmune diseases
SpeakerYehuda Shoenfeld
ChairCarlos Dias
14:00 - 16:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision Medicine in Behçet and Large Vessel Vasculitis
ChairJoão Correia
ChairJorge Crespo
SessionAna Luísa Lopes Serpa Pinto
Behçet Vascular - What is it like and how is it treated?SessionMari Angela Lopes
What does UIC department cohort tell us?SessionMarta Isabel Rodrigues Casal Moura
What’s new in Large Vessel Vasculitis?SessionMarta Matos
Review of UIC departement Large Vessel Vasculitis cohort -
16:30 - 17:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
The importance of environmental factores in autoimmune diseases
SpeakerLuís Manuel Barreto Campos
ChairLèlita Santos
17:00 - 18:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Reset of the Immune System
ChairCarlos Pinho Vaz
ChairLurdes Natália Mendes De Oliveira
SessionManuel Guerreiro
Hematopoietic transplantSessionSérgio Chacim
Car-T cells -
18:00 - 18:15 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
What have we learned today?
ChairIvo Santos Barreiro
10:00 - 10:30 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision medicine for AID in ICU
SpeakerPedro Vita
ChairÁlvaro Ferreira
ChairRute Isabel Fernandes Alves
10:30 - 11:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
B-cell depletion: shall we expect more?
SpeakerDavid Isenberg
ChairCarlos Filipe Gonçalves Lage Carneiro
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Immune check-point inhibitors toxicity
SpeakerAntónio Marinho
SpeakerTomás Fonseca
ChairAna Campar
ChairPaula Fidalgo
10:00 - 10:30 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Precision medicine for AID in ICU
SpeakerPedro Vita
ChairÁlvaro Ferreira
ChairRute Isabel Fernandes Alves
10:30 - 11:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
B-cell depletion: shall we expect more?
SpeakerDavid Isenberg
ChairCarlos Filipe Gonçalves Lage Carneiro
11:30 - 12:00 - Salão Nobre - ICBAS
Immune check-point inhibitors toxicity
SpeakerAntónio Marinho
SpeakerTomás Fonseca
ChairAna Campar
ChairPaula Fidalgo